STRUCTURAL STEEL The structural steel is the steel used for the manufacture of rolled structural steel sections, fastenings and other elements for use …
otherDifferent types of Loads on a structure Different types of loads can cause stress, displacement, deformation on a structure; which results in structural…
otherOutput devices are initial part of a computer system. They receive the process data (information) from the CPU and present it to the user in a decide fro…
otherIntroduction input device electron mechanical device that ara used to provide data to a computer for storing and further processing, if necessary. The …
otherकंप्यूटर से संबंधित महत्वपूर्ण शब्द संक्षेप COMPUTER FULL FORM EXAM IMPORTANT ARPA : - Advanced Research Project Agency ASCII :- American Standard Code…
otherElectronic theory of valency : The theory of valency is based on the electronic structure of elements and hence it is know as electronic theory of valen…
otherपढ़ाई कैसे करे ? पढ़ाई करने का सही तरीका होता है , पढ़ने का एक नियम होता है अगर आप ऐसे किताब को लेकर बैठ जायेंगे और आपका धयान कही और है तो आपको पढ़ाई वाले सवा…